Robust, long-lasting metal roofs are a popular choice for commercial buildings and a roof type we service frequently at Five Star Commercial Roofing. If you would like to improve the performance of your metal roof, our expert metal roof coating service is the ticket!
A roof coating system can transform your heat-conducting metal roof into an energy-saving cool roof. This high-quality coating system extends the life of your existing roof, addresses all of its problems (like leaks), and adds significantly to your roof’s durability.

We employ industry-leading roof coating technology that offers some of the very best waterproofing solutions in the marketplace. The application of such a system completely transforms the way a metal roof performs, fixes all its leaks, and also makes the roof unsusceptible to rust. What’s more, the coating systems we offer are backed by non-prorated warranties that cover all labor and materials for up to 18 years.
Give Five Star Roofing a call today at (330) 936-7571 to learn more about the restorative, revitalizing option that is a roof coating!
Impressive Savings
A metal roof coating can be a saving grace for building owners in many ways.

As previously stated, a roof coating is an incredible energy-saving measure, reducing the temperature of your metal roof and helping reduce your building’s cooling costs. Because it addresses all of a roof’s problems and adds years to its life, a roof coating also helps stave off the need for expensive and disruptive roof replacement. Your roof can even be recoated later on for indefinite longevity.
Replacing a commercial roof represents a substantial cost, and the process is hugely disruptive to your business operations, which leads to loss of money in that area, as well. If there is a viable option to replacing your roof that costs much less, helps save money in other ways, addresses all of your roof’s issues and strengthens your building, why would you even hesitate?
Bear in mind, a roof coating isn’t the answer in every case, and if your roof isn’t a good candidate we will tell you upfront. However, industry statistics show that roofs are replaced prematurely in between 70-80 percent of cases—an alarming trend that indicates a couple of things:

- Building owners aren’t maintaining their roofs properly
- Roofing contractors are advocating roof replacement when it isn’t really necessary
When you partner with Five Star Roofing, neither of those factors will come into play. We offer topnotch inspection and maintenance services to keep our clients’ roofs functioning properly for decades. We also put our customers first, and we will only ever advocate roof replacement if it is truly the only option. When a better, less expensive alternative is available, that is the course we will recommend.
The Team You Can Trust Is Here for You!
For all of your commercial roofing needs, you can rely on the expert crew at Five Star Commercial Roofing.
If your metal roof has developed problems, give us a call today at (330) 936-7571. We will send one of our professionally trained technicians to your location, free of charge, to inspect your roof, assess its condition, and inform you of any problems we uncover. If your roof is a good candidate for a cost-saving, life-restoring roof coating system, we will let you know and give you details about the process.
You can count on Five Star Commercial Roofing!